Thursday, June 27, 2013

100th Post Highlights!

I can't believe I'm reaching my 100th post on this blog! That's crazy! So for this post I thought it would be fun to do something a little different. I took the time to read through all of my 99 posts and found every single random thing I have ever said...and I've compiled them all for you. I'm not even going to tell you what post they are from, I'm just going to let you read all of my random at once. Enjoy.

"Then you can either lick it off (it has all natural ingredients, so it is perfectly safe to eat the entire thing if you want...I wouldn't recommend it, but each to their own)"  
This out of context just sounds...wrong. 

"Needless to say, I bought it (well, obviously...I'm not just taking pictures of this in the store)."
Wow, I was sassy back then.

"I'll justify it by saying I bought them for blogging purposes."
I think this is the catchphrase of the entire blogging world. 

"Oops, false alarm, EcoTools is back! ...(Disclaimer- I am in no way sponsored by EcoTools) "
Thought I should probably add that ;)

" I have that feeling right now that I could accomplish anything! (Well, maybe not anything.)"

"I usually just get Starbucks and sneak it in (shhhh...) (I can't tell you how many drinks I've spilled in my purse)."
Does anybody else do this in movie theaters?

"Silver eyeshadow does not suit you, you are allowed to use more than one eyeshadow on your eyelid, and yes, foundation does go on your face. Ok, that's three, but you get my drift. I wish I knew then what I know now (Katy Perry lyrics!!)"

"I can just imagine sitting in a Starbucks with this on your nails, sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte (I cannot wait for those to come back in stores!) and reading a book or something."
You can't tell me that I'm the only one who ever has Starbucks fantasies.

"Haven't been bothered to get dressed yet (hey, it's summer vacay!) (did I really just say vacay?)"
Yes, apparently I did.

"I grew up with the Sound of Music (doe a deer, a female deer, ray, a drop of golden sun...ok, I'll stop)."
Spontaneous sing a long!

"Isn't it cool looking? Well, maybe I'm the only one who thinks that."
This is the subtext in a lot of my blog posts.

"It isn't super obvious, like a whole bunch of sparkle on your face, but it subtly makes your face glow."
No, this isn't in reference to Twilight.

"Because I bet the entire internet wants to see a picture of my hand. You're welcome, Internet."

"I never liked it before (I can't handle any gore at all), but now I can't stop watching it!! It doesn't hurt that there are some very attractive guys in it..."
My justification for watching most things, actually.

"Ok, I just totally realized saying the name of this polish out loud, that "OPI Goldeneye" totally rhymes!! Anyway, totally off topic.
I also just realized that I said "totally" three times in that sentence."
I lead an exciting life.

"It smells sort of...plasticky (definitely not a word)"
You would be surprised how often I make up words in my blog posts.

"I think I own 9 now? Yep, nine. Believe me, I totally needed every one! (A very apparent attempt to justify having 9 lip balms of the exact same color...what can I say? They smell really good!)"

"It literally looks like cupcake sprinkles on my fingernails."

"A couple of pics to show the duochromeyness (definitely not a word.)"
Told you.

"You know, sometimes you just have to wear glitter. There, I said it."

"Well, I would love to argue that I "need" all the makeup I have, but in reality, I should be on the TV show Hoarders."

"Life's too short to worry every night about what you're going to wear. Might as well worry seven times as much, all at once."

"This claims to give "crazy volume", and it does give volume (though I'm not sure I would admit it to a mental hospital- get it? Because it's not actually that crazy...? Ok, moving on.) "

"Best of both worlds! Great, now the Hannah Montana song is stuck in my head. "

"I bought it under the recommendation of my friend, or as she put it, "You buy it, and then I will read about it on your blog." Cool."

"Let's break it down! (Ok, that sounded way more gangster than I intended it to. You know what I mean. I meant we should break down the aspects of the product.)"

Ok, so that just about sums up 99 blog posts of random! Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me through all my weird ramblings! 

Here's to another 100 posts!


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