Saturday, December 22, 2012

Review: eos Alice in Wonderland Pack

(From L-R): Sweet Vanilla Nonsense, Blueberry Potion, Watermelon Wonderland

Now I know that these have been out for quite awhile now, but I only just got my hands on them, so I thought I'd post a quick review.
I LOVE eos lip balms. I use them religiously-and exclusively. They are moisturizing, don't feel too runny or thick, and of course, the packaging is super cute-and they smell amazing. 
That being said, I'm doing this review 100% unbiased.

Now onto the review!!

1) Watermelon Wonderland:

eos Watermelon Wonderland

I'm going to begin with my favourite of the bunch. I love eating watermelon (the fruit, not the lip balm), so naturally I assumed I was going to love this one. And I was right. It smells exactly like watermelon. This one I find to be the thickest of the three, and the most moisturizing.
These lip balms are all clear, so there is no colour pay off on any of them. And that's ok, because I have other lip products to do that!

Rating: 9/10
It could maybe be a tad bit more moisturizing.

2. Sweet Vanilla Nonsense:

Sweet Vanilla Nonsense

This is my second favourite of the trio. I love all things vanilla (candles, ice cream, shower gel, perfume, etc.), so naturally I knew I would love this one. But I actually didn't like it as much as I thought I would. 
It's definitely makes my lips super soft, but the vanilla scent is a little off. It smells sort of...plasticky (definitely not a word) and fake. It's not unpleasant, but not very natural.

Rating: 8/10
Like I said, the scent could be better, and it could have a little more moisture.

3. Blueberry Potion:

Blueberry Potion

Now this is my least favourite of the three. I find it to be the least moisturizing, and I am not a big fan of the scent. The scent isn't bad, but it's not very obvious. I expected to smell fresh blueberries, but to be honest, I don't really smell much! Maybe I got a bad one?

Rating: 7.5/10

And I have included a couple pictures of the packaging it came in, which is super cute. Alice in Wonderland (the original, not the Tim Burton) is one of my favourite Disney movies. 

Like I said earlier, I adore eos lip balms. They are some of the most moisturizing lip balms I've ever found.
But as for these specific ones, I really like them too! My favourites are Watermelon Wonderland and Sweet Vanilla Nonsense. I could have done without Blueberry Potion, but it does make a nice addition to my collection. I think I own 9 now? Yep, nine. Believe me, I totally needed every one! (A very apparent attempt to justify having 9 lip balms of the exact same color...what can I say? They smell really good!)

Obviously, if you like having colour on your lips, I would look elsewhere, as these are clear...but they make a great base for other lip products!

One thing I forgot to mention- the Mickey Mouse design on the outside of each separate is adorable! Well, they are from Disney.

Anyway, thanks for reading!! Have a great weekend!


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