Tuesday, August 27, 2013

NOTD: My BBC (Doctor Who/Sherlock) Themed Nails!

Hi everyone!
I am super excited to bring you this post. For anyone that doesn't know me, I am a huge fan of British television. Mainly Doctor Who and Sherlock, and so today, I will be showing you guys pictures of the nail polish look I did in honour of them.

This isn't going to be a step by step tutorial; that would take way too long, since most of the nails are different from the others.

So firstly, these are all the nail polishes I used:

Yeah, it was kind of a mess afterwards!! I used two tools to make the designs: a double sided dotter tool, and a nail art brush. I know that my nails aren't perfect, but I don't do nail art very often!

So first I'll show you what I did on both thumb nails:

I think it kind of ties the whole theme together! Doing this was actually way harder than I thought it was going to be, hence the uneven lines.

Ok, so here's my right hand:

So on my pinky finger I have the Daleks, which wouldn't make sense for anyone who hasn't seen the show. And on my ring finger (which is the same on both hands), is the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) , which is the Police Box the Doctor uses for his time travel. Then my middle finger is the one I am most proud of. It's the wallpaper in Sherlock's apartment, complete with the little spray painted smiley face.

And finally, my index finger is the 11th Doctor's (Matt Smith) standard outfit (I wear bow ties now...bow ties are cool). 

Here's a close up of the Daleks.

And now on to my left hand! 

So the thumb, ring, and pinky fingers are all the same on this hand, but the index and middle finger are different.

So my index finger is my attempt at the Doctor Who logo, which did not turn out as well as I had hoped. Ah well.

And finally, my middle finger is the 10th Doctor's (David Tennant) standard outfit.

So I hope this gave some inspiration to those of you who are fans of Doctor Who/ Sherlock to maybe try your own themed manicure! Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!!


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