Monday, August 06, 2012

Monday Questionnaire: August 6th, 2012

Just a really quick post today, a Monday Questionnaire!! One of my favourite bloggers, Allison, or "Amarixe" (, does a series on her blog called Monday Questionnaire, to answer a series of questions every week.

At the end of her post, she pastes the questions so other people can answer them. So that's what I'll be doing now!!!

1) Current mood? 
Relaxed. Being on vacation is always relaxing. And I'm also pretty full; just had a big dinner!!!

2) Can you say the ABC's backwards without stumbling?
If I went very slow, I could probably do okay. But definitely not without thinking about it.

3) What is the closest green object to you? 
A plastic bag that we're using for recycling hanging on the door handle. Exciting, I know.

4) Current nail polish? 
China Glaze Smoke and Ashes. One of my favourites!

5) What is your favourite song at the moment? 
REO Speedwagon's "Keep On Loving You". I've listened to this song all my life, and never knew it was  by this band! I saw it my I-pod, wondered if it was the same song, found out it was, and now I can't stop listening to it!!

6) Current outfit: 
Darkwash skinny jeans, white t-shirt with a bright pink tank top underneath, and grey flip flops.

7) What coverage of foundation do you prefer most: light, medium, full or none at all?
I think I prefer medium most of all, with enough coverage to cover most blemishes, but not enough to look cakey. Liking Revlon Colorstay right now!!

8) What colour are the walls of your bedroom?
A pale orange :)

9) What is your zodiac sign? Do you think it's characteristics represent you?
I'm a Capricorn, and Capricorns are usually described as practical, ambitious, patient, careful, humorous and reserved. I think the last four apply to me, but I'm not so sure about the first two.

10) Weekly goals: 
To keep a positive attitude, and not get bothered by little things.

Have a great week, and thanks for reading!!

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